Tomie Kawakami, better known mononymously as Tomie, is a character from the Japanese horror manga and film series of the same name created by Junji Ito. Tomie was introduced in Ito's 1987 manga Tomie, which was published in Monthly Halloween, a shōjo magazine. She later appeared in two subsequent manga written by Ito, nine feature films, and a novel.
Tomie is a malevolent, regenerative entity with the unexplained ability to cause anyone, particularly men, to be instantly attracted to her. These actions inevitably lead to violence, usually resulting in the murder of Tomie herself (allowing her to replicate herself), or others. Rather than being one singular person or entity, it would be better to describe Tomie as a type of creature, seeing as each copy of Tomie is its own independent individual.
UPC | LMTS002 |
Product Type | Figures |
Price | 235.000 KWD |
SIZE | 54cm (H) x 21cm (W) x 24cm (D) |
TYPE | 1/4 SCALE |
SERIES | Junji Ito Collection |
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