In an enthralling second installment to D’s storyline based on the work of the legendary Yoshitaka Amano, Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust finds our powerful dhampir on another dark adventure. D, a half-human and half-vampire, travels the post-apocalyptic Frontier as a nomadic vampire hunter. Within this shadowed expanse, communities of humans live among disparate monstrosities such as demons, vampires, and other mysteries. In the deepest shadows lie the Nobility, a society of the most powerful vampires that secretly oversee the Frontier.
D finds himself face-to-face with one such noble in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. John Elbourne, a wealthy human, has called upon the notorious vampire hunter to rescue his daughter Charlotte. She has been abducted by Baron Meier Link, a vampire Greater Noble, and must be returned dead or alive to her father for a hefty sum. D embarks on a perilous journey with his cyborg steed and trusted longsword to intercept Meier Link’s carriage and rescue the beautiful Elbourne daughter. However, complications arise with the involvement of the Marcus Brothers, the mutant Barborois, and an unlikely love story that throws his mission into question. D must contend with threats from various angles in the pursuit of his objective, shaping this story into a thrilling quest for survival of the fittest.
The team at Figurama Collectors is honored to present a groundbreaking accomplishment in striking design—the Vampire Hunter D Elite Exclusive Statue. This is a feat brought to life by painstaking consideration of the detail present in Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust. With the world’s first and only license granted for this classic after a journey five years in the making, the team wanted to do right by fans. We worked closely with the respected Japanese illustrator to create a Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust statue of this caliber, and the design was personally approved by Amano-san. Set during the iconic graveyard scene, this statue immerses you within the dark and swampy setting of D’s first encounter with the Marcus Brothers.
This version of D is closely modeled after the illustrations of Yoshitaka Amano featured in the Vampire Hunter D novels. This influence is palpable in the ornate touches of the statue. D is seated astride his rearing cybernetic horse with his crescent longsword and sentient symbiote, Left Hand. The snarling fangs of his fierce expression are surrounded by flowing dark hair, and his head is topped with a pointed hat of the most intricate gothic detail. The shining diecast metal of D’s longsword and the impassioned expression of Left Hand are indistinguishable from the movie. D’s armor is an inky black highlighted by fine gold ornamentations reminiscent of Amano’s work, and the long swoop of his dark cape curves near the base. Each panel and wiry fiber of the cybernetic horse can be made out as it rears onto its hind legs, suspended in movement above graveyard markers. Mechanical hooves seem to drip with moisture from the angled base below, featuring a length of rock and twisting branches that jut from a rippling pool of water. Three red-eyed ghouls reach from the murky depths towards the majestic frame of D and his horse suspended in battle.
UPC | FIG003 |
نوع المنتج | Figures |
السعر | 630.000 |
BRAND | Figurama Collectors |
FORMATS | Elite Exclusive Statue |
SIZE | H79 x W65 x D56 CM |
TYPE | 1/6 SCALE |
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